The magic of sleep

What happens when you’re out of it

I’m sure you are all familiar with the fact that everyone needs a good night sleep to stay mentally and physically functional and ✨ glowy ✨ . But have you ever wondered WHY sleep is so important? What happens in the 8 to 10 hours of sleep recommended for teens and young adults that could be so crucial to our wellbeing?

Ace your chases

Sleep is essential for the brain’s ability to stay focused, memorize and think analytically. In other words, sleep makes learning faster and more effective. Sleep is also linked with creativity and acquiring new job or artistic skills. So not getting enough sleep might explain why you struggle to focus in class and feel drowsy in the mornings.

Safe-keep your emotional stability

You have probably already experienced how sleep can affect mood. A lack of sleep is correlated with irritability and exaggerated reactions -I personally get quite snappy when I don’t get a good night sleep…

Stay in shape

Sleep empowers the immune system, regulates hormones and allows for muscle and tissue recovery. When you’re asleep, your cells are able to repair, allowing your organs to have a good functioning.

Think sharply

Insufficient sleep leads to delayed reaction times, which increase the risks of accidents while driving. Stay on the safe side guys.

Despite all of these crucial reasons to get a good 8h per night, 30% of adults and 66% of teens are estimated to be regularly sleep deprived! Here are some tips that can help our generation get out of its zombie state.

  • Deal with time pressure: Because we live in a #HustleCulture, we often have to juggle study, work, social life, household chores and extracurriculars. But you shouldn’t cut down on sleep to try to fit everything into your days – it will only make you slower and less motivated to do anything. Instead, use a planner and avoid procrastinating (hard one, I know).
  • Avoid caffeine when you’re clearly falling asleep on your desk, it can disrupt your sleep cycle. Don’t stretch your deadlines and plan ahead.
  • Don’t use your phone right before going to sleep -it will keep your brain wired and suppress melatonin production (essential to help you fall asleep). Put your phone away 30 minutes before you go to bed and keep it on silent mode.