Do you want to lower your carbon footprint but are feeling overwhelmed with information, not knowing where to start? Are you hesitant to switch to sustainable options that would stretch your budget? This post is for all of you or eco-conscious peeps trying to live more sustainably AND save money while you’re at it ;). Stick with the 6 Rs:
What you DO need (stick to the less is more mantra) :
Shop less, sell or donate what you don’t use
Shop less, sell or donate what you don’t use. Save water: turn it off while you wash your face, teeth and take shorter showers. Save electricity: UNPLUG your phone and computer as soon as they are fully charged. This will help minimize your carbon footprint AND save up to $100 – $200 a year. Eat more plant-based, Try Meatless Mondays – replace meat meals with protein rich veggie options (+ save money at the same time).
Refuse and reuse
Reuse what you don’t need (flyers, junk mail, goody bags, …). Bring a reusable water bottle with you at all times – If you just switch out plastic water bottles for reusable water bottles, you can help cut down on the staggering 1 million plastic water bottles that globally are bought every minute! Same for reusable coffee cups for my fellow caffeine lovers.
Use reusable produce bags and bring your own tote bags to your grocery runs.
- Buy high quality items that will last longer and go for timeless looks with funky accessories- It will make you change how you think about consuming clothes 😉
- Choose sustainable and ethical clothing and skincare brands (we’ve got you covered for that last one ;))
- Shop locally, organic and seasonably, use public transport/bike/car share and try thrifting clothes and furniture – tips to clean thrifted clothes – Set your washing machine at a high temperature (around 40*C) + add 1/2 a cup of white vinegar (it will kill the bacteria and keep the clothes fresh)
Repair and recycle
Repair broken things before replacing them. Some clothing brands also offer repair services).
Crazy fact: if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week (eating a veggie alternative instead), the result in terms of CO2 emissions would be the same as taking more than half a million cars off of U.S. roads!